jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

"How language transformed humanity"

Evolutionary biology is a concerned with the study of the evolutionary processes that produced the diversity of life on Earth. In this presentation Mark Pagel (a professor and head of the Bioinformatics Laboratory at the University of Reading) to talks about  "How language transformed humanity". Mark Pagel in this short exposition states that the human being  have gone for different evolution stages.his theory about why humans evolved their complex system of language. I think that language is a very complex action. I think that being the language a social action, is probably that Mark Pagel be right, when he affirm  that language is a piece of "social technology" that allowed early human tribes to access the cooperation. 

The language is very important for me, as much for speak gushingly if for write. Although I think we also talk with our silence, I think that language is one of human inventions as essential as air to live. With respect to the language in my Chilean identity, I think that language is a very important cultural component since even though we all speak in Spanish, different words and contexts deal-associated-rich Latin American culture and we grant a particular identity.

I think these types of studies are very important to give different answers to questions about the history and process complexity of societies. I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as me!

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