caring for the environment and living beings.
I think most people learn about the environment through television, internet, videos, magazines and advertisements.There are NGOs that promote environmental care, as Green Peace, Compromiso Eco, Ecos de la Naturaleza, etc.
For a while I was recycling boxes "Tetrapack", this idea came to my housemates, because many people live and gather many boxes and not good throwing them away. To pollute less, I try not to spend so much water. My showers the performed faster and when I wash my clothes trying to conserve water.
Another activity that occasionally realize, is going to college cycling, this helps me to maintain my fitness, but also contribute environmental care. I would like that Santiago had many bike paths, because when we go with our bikes down the street is very dangerous.
I would like to participate in an organization that helps the environment, to learn about care I can give to nature. I also would that in Chile there is a culture of respect for the environment, because people are usually dirty, we throw all our trash on the ground.
When was the case Hidroaysen all Chile joined to fight for our environment, but usually there are instances where people can express their discontent and contribute to a culture change.
All we must do something to change the damage we have done to the environment.
I feel responsible to do something, I hope you do too.
Great job Romi ! I think that I need more little things in this topic :)