jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

My favorite technology

The technology is a tool wich is with us all time. But there is a essential thing for me that I never leave at home: my MP4. I bought it in the last summer because the previous device was broken in a really unlucky incident for a person music-dependent who needs  listen to music everyday. 
This new small device has changed my life. I can forget everything, except my plastic friend.
That's happend because I love music and I can't survive without a inspiring song. Especially, in the morning when I'm sleepy. In this case,  the music is really important to wake up, open the eyes and get energies to stand the long day. 
Also, the Mp4 has multiple virtues. Its size is excellent to put it on your pocket and enjoy for hours. As well you can use it to academic aplication. For example to record classes or save works. But the better, it's that nobody wants stole it because my Mp4 doesn't have camera, touch screen or nothing else.

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